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Как я и говорил, Simplex - хонипот. Потребовалось больше года, чтобы раскрыться
В удалённом или неопубликованном файле на гите ПОБЕРЕЗКИН, владелец SimpleX прямо написал, что будет сливать ip
Мёртвая ссылка: https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplex-chat/blob/ep/rfc-core-reports/docs/rfcs/2024-12-30-content-moderation.md
Текст, который там был (он удалён и нигде в сети его нет):
"2025 will be the year of complete removal of CSAM from the network." "I am declaring zero tolerance to CSAM and to people who upload it." "Because we have very simple options for 2025: - CSAM will be completely eliminated from SimpleX network, due to disproportionate consequences to people who upload it, without any compromises to the privacy and security of all other users. - e2e encryption will be outlawed and SimpleX network will be eliminated." "Instead of deleting the file and group link, we will be marking them as blocked. Client that detected that its content was blocked, can do whatever we programme it to do." "Consider it a declaration of war on CSAM" "It is also a possibility that we will be recording the IP addresses of the users who uploaded CSAM content, obviously only after it was confirmed and blocked. If we make this decision, we will reflect it in privacy policy."
Далее он написал в юзергруппе: "Я пока не буду отвечать на дальнейшие вопросы на эту тему - в течение недели будет технический документ и блог пост о том что, как и почему мы будем делать. До тех пор наберитесь терпения и допустите возможность что мы можем найти решения которых никто пока не нашел - мы же сделали сеть где можно доставлять сообщения пользователям ничего не зная про пользователей. Поэтому и проблема удаления CSAM без ущерба для конфиденциальности тоже будет решена, скоро прочитаете детали."
Он уже открыто сообщает, что сдалёт нарушителей "местных законов" и собирает для этого инфу. Также прямо сейчас все личсные сообещния сканирует бот SimpleX Что уже есть в приваси-полиси:
https://simplex.chat/privacy/ >>The Applications are not intended for distribution to or use in any country where such distribution or use would violate local law or would subject SimpleX Chat Ltd to any regulations in another country. SimpleX Chat Ltd reserve the right to limit the access to the Applications in any country. Preset operators reserve the right to limit access to their servers in any country >Preset server operators will not share the information on their servers with each other, other than aggregate usage statistics. >Preset server operators will not provide general access to their servers or the data on their servers to each other. >Preset server operators will provide non-administrative access to control port of preset servers to SimpleX Chat Ltd, for the purposes of removing identified illegal content. This control port access only allows deleting known links and files, and access to aggregate statistics, but does NOT allow enumerating any information on the servers. >Preset server operators reserve the right to remove such links from the preset servers and disrupt the conversations that send illegal content via their servers, whether they were reported by the users or discovered by the operators themselves. >The cases when the preset server operators may share the data temporarily stored on the servers: >To meet any applicable law, or enforceable governmental request or court order. >To enforce applicable terms, including investigation of potential violations. >To detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues. >To protect against harm to the rights, property, or safety of software users, operators of preset servers, or the public as required or permitted by law.